“A huge door of opportunity for good work has opened up here. There is also mushrooming opposition.”

                                                     I Corinthians 16:9 MSG



Mushrooms are considered to be fungal growth. Opposition can sometimes appear in the form of a mushroom, springing up where we least expect and presenting a challenge to the overall landscape of a person’s life. However, when prepared properly, mushrooms can be eaten and consumed by the human body.

Job affords us an opportunity and a window to see into the strategic planning of how God used Satan’s mushrooming attacks to increase and expand Job in such a way that it favorably flourished Job’s later days. Job experienced so much traumatic transition that the human spirit is confronted with fatigue and discouragement when reading the encounters.

When the LORD chooses to use adversaries to advance your life and process, He alone will track the transition and the impact.  His intent will be accomplished fully and in the believers favor. Fear will always present itself, but we cannot allow it to take up residence within our spirit. There are times when we must give the spirit of fear an eviction notice.

As the LORD moves and transitions you during this season, be pliable and willing to be bent to the pattern of His plan.  He has an expiration date on each encounter of opposition we experience. Walk with him in weariness and worship because He knows the way.  He is continuously inviting us to come alone with Him on aligned adventures.

 God wants to give you revelations of who He is and how much He loves you. When you reach what appears to be uncrossable places, God will provide a safe transport.  Crisis will turn out to be captive moments for God to create new opportunities and open great doors for you.


In His Service,

Apostle Nixon

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